Friday, November 21, 2014

12/4/2014 blight w/ cold blue mountain and touch fuzzy get dizzy

all local riffage.

all ages, $5, 1078 gallery

cold blue mountain: stoner, doom, shoegaze, epic-post-rock

touch fuzzy get dizzy: doom, pop, stoner, sludge, sauce, mario references

cold blue is pushing their new shit at this show. i gave little listen on that bandcamp of theirs, and cold blue continues their reputation as talented professionals involved in the art of making sounds and getting people moving. their new shit is called old blood and it came out last month! hot-off-the-presses new shit! the vinyl looks lovely, but on a budget as i am, lemme at that new tape!

dare i say super-group? touch fuzzy is what happens when metal-head locals (yes, i am counting you too, jack! i remember hazmat still) get their fucking pretty ass hardcore indie shit out of their systems and rock out to detuned, downtempo, loud humanity, and psst: this shit would be perfect for bike races! 

also, blight will be there.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

fruiting body ii

11-14-2014 was rad as fuck!

cities tore it up a little harder than i've seen them before. maybe it was the atmosphere in there. groovin crystal clear bass lines, furious and fast drums, and guitar chord progressions that are layered such that you can't tell if the song is happy or sad; noisy or pretty; extreme or poppy; but one thing is for certain. its fucking LOUD

the strange ones were all energy. it wasn't really angry, it was more youthful and powerful; like that feeling of invincibility (or perhaps more correctly, the lack of foresight) you get when you're 16-22 years old. you're in the prime of your life, the prime of your health, prime of creativity, activity, sexuality, etc.
it was essentially that nostalgic invincibility all over again, doing something that requires maximum effort, and simply for the sake of. garage surf punk at its finest! truly tasteful, and true to its roots. it's not a hack job, and its not a rip off. its not even a tribute, or gimicky-throwbacky. it was fast, tremolo'ed and bathed in reverb, and the only vocals were high shrills.that may sounds like a black metal band out of context, and maybe that's why i loved the fuck out of it, like i do every time I see this band. classic jefferson.

man vs. man
i have a feeling we may bee seeing these dudes a few more times in the future...
female fronted blackened crust. need i say more? awesome crass imagery tribute and messaging. thoughtful and meaningful lyrics that transcend blackened stereotypes of what bleak or grim is supposed to mean. man vs. man ironically wants nothing more than to find an end to the divisions that make the pitiful humans compete with and destroy each other, as well as the entire planet

as described earlier, here is the second fruiting body: typhoid mary

Friday, November 14, 2014

11/14/2014 blight w/ man vs. man, cities, strange ones

super belated. 

monstros pizza.
five bucks at the door.

man vs. man: anarcho, blackened, math, crust, name-your-price download, san diego
cities: heavy, psychedelic, post-, local
strange ones: reverb, no-coast surf, name-your-price download, local

the inaugural post

here christened on the fourteenth day of november in the year 2014 is this blog. may its tentacle-like hyphae send black mycelium throughout the minds of the youth.

as the collective of mycelial mats known as blight has only known life for barely more than a dozen weeks, alas, there are few sightings to delight in, and no preserved specimens. blight will announce its fruiting bodies here.

the first fruiting body was documented by sesar on his blog 365chico. blight was joined by: 
xTOM HANx - (basically legendary around chico nowadays) sacramento powerviolence duo
vexed - female-fronted powerviolence from redding (name-your-price download)
kong - surprise guerilla (!) set by noisy improvised hardcore locals (name-your-price download)
Go to to witness the first fruiting body: smallpox blankets.